Main Reasons you Need to Install Linux on Your Old Computer

If you are considering upgrading your old computer then installing Linux might be a good option for you. Before you get started you need to know the benefits of this type of operating system.

Open-source nature

If you’re looking to get rid of your old PC from the trash, you might want to consider installing Linux. Many people choose this software because it is free and open source. You can get it online install it and then customize it to your needs.

The Linux community is comprised of programmers, enthusiasts, and professionals. This is a global organization that strives to create and improve an operating system that is compatible with many different systems. Linux is a free open source operating system designed to run on a wide variety of devices. Although it is commonly used in servers it also works on dedicated systems and embedded devices.

The Linux ecosystem is designed to meet the needs of modernized data centers. The Linux kernel which is the heart of the operating system manages your device hardware resources and software packages. On startup it activates all network interfaces.  The Linux kernel sends instructions to the CPU then the CPU processes them and sends them to your peripherals. There are many applications for Linux including desktop environments, email clients, and more.


If you want to upgrade from Windows you’ve come to the right place. Linux is a more user-friendly operating system. There are many reasons to choose an open source platform. It offers better security better performance and a wider selection of free software than its closed-source rival.

The main advantage of using Linux over Windows is its security. Although Windows receives continuous security updates, Windows is not always as secure as you think. Users can be compromised through a variety of methods including Trojans and social exploits.

If you are a beginner you may find Linux a bit overwhelming. But if you have a little bit of computer experience you can get it up and running in no time. Many programs are available as easy to install software packages. You can also switch to dedicated apps for your needs. Such as Google’s operating system are designed with users in mind. These applications use many of the features found in Linux including support for some Linux distributions.


It may seem counter intuitive but installing Linux on an old computer can be a good idea. Linux is a free and open source operating system which means you can download and install it on your computer for free. This makes it ideal for keeping your PC from getting buried.

Another advantage of using Linux is that it is an eco-friendly option. Unlike Windows it doesn’t use a lot of resources. it’s also compatible with older computers meaning you can keep yours out in the dumps for a long time.

If you are going to run Linux on your PC make sure you do it right. This means that you should make sure to install it from a trusted software repository.  Install real time anti virus software to ensure that your system is safe from any malware or viruses.

To run an executable in Linux you need chmod +x. The reason is that Linux doesn’t treat the executable as a separate process.


One of the most powerful features of Linux is its customizability. You can change the color of the screen or configure the program start. You can also customize how windows open or change focus. Linux is designed as a flexible operating system so you can turn features on or off depending on your needs.

Another advantage of Linux is the long list of software. The operating system offers a wide variety of programs and is also customizable in that you can recompile software that you may not find in the repositories. It is extremely secure which is important when using a laptop.