6 Quick Fixes for a Budget-Friendly Bathroom Makeover

The bathroom is a space for both utilitarian purposes and personal style, but sometimes your bathroom decor can start to look a little tired. Thankfully, a little refresh can be relatively inexpensive.

A fresh coat of paint is a great start, and you can swap out the old cabinet hardware for something more modern without breaking the bank. Plus, a DIY art gallery is a fun and cheap way to add interest to your bathroom.

Visit Optimal Remodel to find budget home remodel ideas that will improve your living area without breaking the bank.

1. Paint

Painting the bathroom is one of the cheapest and easiest fixes you can make. It’s also an opportunity to add some color and style to your home.

Consider a soft neutral shade for walls. These colors cast natural ambient light and reflect it back to the vanity.

Before you start painting, put down plastic sheeting to protect your floors and tape off trim and around the sink and shower. It’s also worth caulking around edges before you begin to avoid leaks.

Look for moisture-resistant paint that has an antimicrobial additive to help mitigate odorous and unsightly mold growth. This is especially important in bathrooms that aren’t well-ventilated.

2. Install a Chandelier

Add glamour to your bathroom without a hefty price tag by hanging a chandelier. A unique fixture draws attention to a room’s high ceilings and instantly gives the space a luxurious feel.

Be sure your chandelier is a good fit for the rest of the bathroom’s design scheme, and choose a fixture with a dimmer switch to adjust lighting from a calming ambiance to a brighter setting when needed.

A shabby shower curtain can detract from the room’s clean, zen aesthetic. Replace yours with a new, more sophisticated option that’ll elevate the space for just PS30 or less. You can find stylish, budget-friendly shower curtains in stores like Wilkinsons.

3. Replace Your Faucet

New faucets are a simple upgrade that can add a touch of elegance and sophistication to your bathroom. Plus, new faucets are often low-flow which is better for the environment and your water bill.

If your sink faucet screams builder grade, it’s time to replace it. It’s a great way to bring a more modern feel to your bathroom and it typically takes 1 to 2 hours.

4. Add a Stencil

Stencils are a creative and budget-friendly way to transform your walls. They’re also a great alternative to wallpaper, as they can be removed easily if you get sick of your design.

You can use a variety of paints for stenciling, but acrylics are the best. Make sure the paint is thick enough so it won’t seep under the stencil and ruin your painting.

Before you begin, lightly dab your stencil brush on a piece of paper towel to offload excess paint. It’s also important to only use a light touch when applying the paint. You want to avoid any swiping or brushing, which will cause the paint to run under the edges of your stencil.

5. Add a Storage Cabinet

Cabinets add both aesthetic and practical benefits to any bathroom. Wall-mounted cabinets don’t take up floor space and are a great option for small bathrooms. They can also double as a towel bar or place to hold decorative accents like flower pots.

If you have a deep cabinet, use a lazy Susan turntable to make it easier to access items that are kept in the back. Also, install magnetic strips inside of cabinet doors to hold metal items like bobby pins and nail clippers. This is a quick and inexpensive solution that can make it easier to find what you need! Plus, it’ll keep the items off of the floor and out of sight.

6. Add a Tile Backsplash

A backsplash protects the wall from grease splatters and water stains. A tile backsplash is easy to clean, hygienic, and offers many design options. It’s also more durable than wallpaper, which can peel and stain.

The latest trends in tile backsplashes include a mix of colors and shapes. Homeowners love bold color accents that pop, bringing life and personality to kitchens and baths.

Backsplash tiles come in all shapes and sizes, so select one that suits the overall look of your room. When installing a new backsplash, it’s important to purchase 10%-20% more than the total square footage you need to account for waste and miscalculations.